Prime Minister visit BZU Multan & R.Y.Khan

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MULTAN,Jan 23rd: Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani has said," My government has allocated an all time high budget of Rs. 31.57 billion for education during the current financial year to translate the policy into reality and our goal is to further enhance the budget allocations for education up to 7% of the total budget by the year 2015.The present government also envisages gradual increase in the share of the higher education to 20%.He said that economic and cultural globalization has ushered in the new era in higher education and emerging global economy is based on knowledge as a key factor of production.Delivering his speech at Bahauddin Zkariya University on Saturday Prime minister said that the kinds of industries emerging in the age of globalization – such as biotechnology, new materials science, human genetics, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, and human/ computer interfaces – demand that the knowledge workers  get highest possible education in science and technology and in different areas of humanities.  Research and development is a critical component, and many countries are trying to develop National Systems of Innovation that attempt to harness the combined resources of its academic institutions with the research enterprises within the public and private sectors. He said Globalization and the Information Revolution present increasing difficulties for the countries as they attempt to make choices about how to respond and allocate their scarce resources to confront this challenge. This challenge is particularly acute for developing nations like Pakistan which possess meager resources. Knowledge as a factor of production within this new information based economy, is gaining importance in the era of globalization.Premier said the education and learning paradigm around the world is under increasing pressure to better meet the demands of this new knowledge and information-intensive global economy.  Now there exists a bewildering range of opportunities for innovations, alliances and markets.To maximize effectiveness in the global environment, on one hand it is essential to retain a strong sense of identity and purpose while on the other it is essential to be open and engaged with the international community.Research and scholarly activities are collaborative and competitive innovative as well as authoritative.
The extensive research resources in institutions of learning accord recognition to nations and serve as powerful engines of globalization on the world scale. The research performance of universities signifies their capacity to produce global knowledge goods while the research performance of nations underpins their flexibility and innovative capability.  In today’s world high expectations and demands are placed on teachers.  The 21st century calls for new approaches to learning innovative thinking, the acquisition of specific knowledge not just about the discipline that they belong to but also about the environment, health, political rights, promotion of ethical values and attitudes.In our rapidly changing and inter-dependent world, teachers not only have to ensure that students acquire solid skills in basic subjects, but also that they become responsible local and global citizens, at ease with new technologies and able to make informed decisions about diverse challenges.Pakistan Peoples Party government is cognizant of the fact that future of our nation hinges upon the establishment of knowledge-based economy. Therefore, we accorded high priority to education.  In this regard, we have announced a National Education Policy after intensive consultations with all the stake-holders including the provincial governments. Our Party considers education a basic right and central to sustainable development. "We are taking landmark steps to increase its access and enhance quality at all levels of education in all settings," He added. Prime Minister said," I strongly believe that among the many factors which affect the quality of education, teachers play a pivotal role in ensuring good learning outcomes. The quality of learning depends, first and foremost, on the quality of teachers. Sustained investment is required to develop a well trained and motivated teaching force. Our government believes that in order to build the nations future we need to invest in teachers now.
This is our strategic response to the crises that we are facing at different levels.  We believe that the future depends on our ability to prepare talented, responsible and ethical educators and researchers who are dedicated to lifelong learning.  This was the sole motivation behind the grant that was given to this university for the development of its faculty. 
 The prestige that the Bahauddin Zakariya University enjoys today is, undoubtedly, an approval and appreciation of the quality of programmes offered, academic excellence of the faculty and above all, the ideal environment created at this university for the pursuit of various academic activities by the students.He said that he was happy to learn that development work is being carried out at massive scale at this university. It is gratifying to note that this university is shaping up gradually to meet the high international standards. Certainly, the administration and the faculty deserve appreciation. Earlier Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Satuday inaugurated the Nishtar Ghat bridge ( Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Bhutto Bridge) which would connect the Bahawalpur division with Dera Ghazi Khan division and will reduce the distance of 100 km between two divisions.Prime Minister said while addressing a large gathering after performing the ground-breaking of an over 1 km long Rs 5.86 billion bridge. Prime Minister said that he would continue to protect the rights of the masses and present regime would not betray them.He said the government was elected by the people for a five year term and vowed to fulfill the mission of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto to strengthen democracy and the country. “I promise to you to take forward the mission of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, for the rights of the people, strengthening of the constitution and the country,”.The project named Shaheed Benazir Bhutto bridge on popular demand will connect Rahim Yar Khan with Rajan Pur. Late Bhutto had promised the construction of a bridge while addressing a public rally.Addressing the gathering in Siraiki at Chachran Sharif the Prime Minister mentioned the achievements of the government and said “our government has accomplished in a short period of 20 months things that have not been done by any government in the past.”Gilani said his government was waging a struggle to ensure that people get their due rights. Shaheeds Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto laid down their lives for giving the people their rights.“I know there is inflation, unemployment, injustice, sugar is expensive, everything is expensive problems are multifarious, everyone is sick of the state of things, but we remain committed to help you,” Gilani said.“You have brought us to power for a term of five years and after that time we will return to you after that period and ask whether we have fulfilled the promises made to you by us or not.”He recalled that someone asked late President General Zia ul Haq that why the sapling of democracy does not grow?
Zia said I look after it daily,irrigate it and take it out to see whether it has taken roots or not.
“If you plant a sapling today and take it out again, will it take roots?” Gilani asked.
Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan Peoples Party, thy name is a philosophy, history, a link binding all the provinces as it gains strength from the power of the people.He said his government has pledged to strengthen democracy and was pursuing politics of reconciliation so that the people may not say that they do not have any vision and create weak instable governments.
“I pledge to you that Inshallah we will strengthen state institutions, democracy, parliament, media, the people and all institutions will work while remaining within their respect ambit, under the constitution of 1973.”He said the constitution of 1973 was a guarantee to the security of the country and vowed that the government will restore it in its original form.
He said the balance of power will be restored, the 58-2(b) will go and the PPP, which is an icon of federation and is across the country will bring about honour, power and prestige to Pakistan.He said he has asked President that together they will unveil a series of development projects across the country to bring about a revolutionary change in the lives of the people.
He termed the project a “blessing” and a dream come true of shaheed Benazir Bhutto and said he was honoured by performing the ground breaking of the bridge as today he was sitting at the same position as of the great leader.
He said the region was a meeting point of Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan and will boost economic activity and bring the people of the three provinces more closer.He said the project will bring employment, generate economic activity and help in removing the sense of deprivation of the people.The prime minister said he has deep affiliation with Rahim Yar Khan as his mother hailed from here and his son was a member of Punjab assembly from the constituency. He said it was also in the vicinity of Kot Mithan Sharif which was the land of Khawaja Ghulam Farid and of great honour to him.Prime Minister Gilani said the area would be developed and brought at par with the rest of the country. He said the government announced setting up of a training institute for the youth of the area and said they would also be provided stipend.The Prime Minister announced Chachran Sharif be converted into a model village, having all basic amenities of life, with health, education and other benefits.Regarding SCARP schemes, he directed that they be completed on priority. He said wrong cases registered in the wake of assassination of Benazir bhutto be withdrawn.
He said he has only ordered naming of two places on the name of Shaheed leader including renaming of Rawalpindi General Hospital to Benazir Bhutto Hospital and the Islamabad International to Benazir Bhutto airport.The Shaheed Benazir Bhutto bridge will cut distance between Rahim Yar Khan and Rajan Pur by 103 km to be completed in 30 months, and serve as the shortest route between N-5 and N-55. The over a km long bridge will be linked through 30 km approach roads and was announced by the Shaheed leader in a public address.Minister for Health Makhdoom Shahbuddin, Minister for Communications Arbab Alamgir Khan and Minister of State for Communications Imtiaz Safdar Waraich spoke of the measures taken by the government for the people of South Punjab.
The ministers spoke of the vision and commitment of the Shaheed leaders of the Pakistan Peoples Party who sacrificed their lives for strengthening the democratic system in the country.
The event was attended by former Prime Minister Balakh Sher Khan Mazari, Minister for Religious Affairs Hamid Saeed Kazmi, local party leaders, parliamentarians and large number of people.
Earlier Prime Minister has stressed the need for closer collaboration between PPP and PML(N) for stronger democracy in the country. The Prime Minister said this during his meeting with the Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif who called on the premier at his residence here Saturday.Both the leaders agreed that mid-term elections were harmful to the political process and antagonistic to the interests of the country.The Prime Minister said that the government would continue to pursue the reconciliation process in order to develop a consensus approach and forge political harmony.The prime minister said that the objective of the political governments is to ensure good governance. He said that it is the responsibility of all the state institutions to provide relief to the people and improve the quality of life of the common man.The two leaders also emphasised the need for closer contacts among all the political forces to strengthen democratic institutions.Both the leaders exchanged views on the detailed judgement of the Supreme Court on NRO and expressed their resolve to extend due respect to the judiciary as an institution.They also stressed that all institutions should work within the ambit provided by the constitution of Pakistan.Earlier,Chief Minister Punjab, Mian Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif apprised the prime minister of his Turkey and UK visits. Chief Minister briefed the Prime Minister about his meeting with the members of Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Turkey and different politicians.He also discussed his meeting with the Britain’s Minister for International Development during his visit to UK and various agreemnets on Traffic Control, Solid Waste Management and Public Transports.
The Chief Minister also apprised the Prime Minister of the prevalent security situation and various ongoing development projects in the province.


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