Dr.Afia's conviction is failure of foreign office & displomat, Hashmi

MULTAN, Feb 4th: Traders, Political activists and civil society members on Thursday afternoon organized a big rally at Shaheen Market under the leadership of Makhdoom Javed Hashmi, Central vice president of Pakistan Muslim League to condemn the conviction to Dr Aafia Siddiqui,describing it a slap on the face of justice and fairness. Participants shouted slogans against the US government its jury . They also burnt an effigy of jurers. Addresssing the demo Javed Hashmi said that United States claims to be champion of Human rights, women rights and children rights but it violated these rights to a shameful extent by keeping Dr.Afia in detention for four years, her children were also detained and she was treated ruthlessly and inhumanely. He said that jury had announced a verdict which was written in Israel to please the jews. Hashmi said that Dr. Afia who has been convicted in a US court was a Pakistani women and it was a failure of the Ministry of foreign affairs and Pakistan’s ambassador who had assured the nation that Dr.Afia would be among them at the end of March or in the first week of April..He said thatn they had hoodwinked the nation. Hashmi warned the Yankees that this judgement would add to the hatred against America in Muslim world and in the country where human rights were being protected. People shouted slogans “ Afia is a sister of Pakistan,” we would get her release,” US is human rights violator,” we condemn America .



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