PSCI field officers are still serving in grade 16 since 1983
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Abdul Sattar Qamar
on 8:46 AM
MULTAN, Feb 12th:Field officers of Pakistan Cotton Standard Institute (PSCI) have appealed to prime minister to promote them in next scales because they were recruited between 1983 to 1991 in grade 16 but inspite of serving for 19 to 26 years they are still staying in Grade 16 and they are getting their salaries quarterly while the Government is binding to provide salaries and fringe benefits every month. In a petition to Prime Minister ,the field officers said PCI is an autonomous body under the administrative control of ministry of Textile industry, which was constituted for enhancing the quality and standard of the cotton as the cotton plays a significant role in country’s economy and main source of foreign exchange. They said that the quality improvement of raw cotton is the pre-requisite in attaining the ultimate financial earnings from the regional preface and the international market.

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