Armed Forces`Drone Falling Exercises

MUTAN: Jan 18: Pakistan Army Air Defence conducted their annual practice fire exercises at semi-desert Khudai Ranges near Muzaffargarh. Commander Army Air Defence Command, Lt Gen Ashraf Saleem visited the area and witnessed fire power demonstration of anti-aircraft guns.

The elements of Army Air Defence demonstrated their shooting skills by engaging targets at different altitudes. The precision and accuracy of Oerlikan and manual guns of various calibers was greatly appreciated. The aim of the exercise is to provide live fire experience on Air Defence guns in tactical environment and handling of weapons and equipment during firing.

Talking to the troops Lt General Ashraf Saleem, lauded the precision and agility of the gunners and said that the professional standards attained by them gives him confidence and pride that the troops are fully geared to shoulder the responsibilities of national defence designated to them. He said that morale and training plays a vital role in improving the fighting spirit of the Army and he was impressed to observe the high level of motivation and professionalism of the fighting forces.


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