US nationals tortured in police custody ,sent to prisons

Multan, Jan 18:Five Americans arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of terrorism told a court on Monday that they had been tortured by police - charges that could add to political sensitivities surrounding the case. The men made the allegations during a hearing before a special anti-terrorism court in Sargodha.

The session was held in order for police to submit a charge sheet alleging that the suspects had conspired in a terrorist act, a formal legal step that brings them closer to a possible indictment. The men also shouted the allegations to reporters as they were driven from the building. No details as to the nature of the alleged torture were given.

Prison authorities and police denied any ill-treatment. A US Embassy spokesman said he had no immediate comment about the torture allegations, but noted consular officials have visited the men. The five men from the Washington area, were detained in December at a house in Sargodha not long after arriving in Pakistan.

The media and the public were not allowed to attend the court session, but a court order obtained by The Associated Press said the men "have made a complaint that they have been tortured in the custody of police." It instructed the men to undergo medical examinations. Later, reporters heard several of the men shout three times in unison, "We are being tortured," as they were driven from the courthouse in a prison van.

Senior police officer Usman Anwar denied the allegations, as did Aftab Haanif, the deputy superintendent of the jail where the men are being held, who said they were receiving better food than regular inmates. "We categorically deny that we tortured them at any stage of the interrogation," Anwar said. "The court has ordered a medical examination that will make everything clear."

In Monday's hearing, police submitted a charge sheet and evidence consisting of 250 pages to the court in which the men are accused of violating several sections of Pakistan's penal code and anti-terrorism law.THe Court sent them to prison on jyudicial remand till February 2nd,2010 The most serious charge is conspiracy to carry out a terrorist act, which could carry life imprisonment depending on what the act is, according to prosecutor Nadim Akram Cheema and police officer Amir Shirazi. The charge sheet also said they planning a terrorist activity in a foreign country, a likely reference to Afghanistan. Prosecutors now have to decide whether the case is strong enough to charge the men and bring them to trial.Anti Terrorism Court has sent them to prison for 16 days. THey shouted Slogans "Allah-o-Akbar" after coming out of the court.


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