Train driver put of strike call in Pakistan

MULTAN,Jan 30th:All Pakistan Railway train drivers Association has put off its strike call till further order as the General Manager Saeed Akhtar has constituted a three member committee to resolve their problems. Chairman of the association Malik Nazir Ahmed Awan told on phone Saturday said ," General Manager (Operation) Saeed Akhtar has admitted that our demands are genuine and we had opted a peaceful way to draw the attention of railway administration," He said that General Manager returned our resignations which we handed over him. Awan said that we have demanded the Ministry to improve the whole infrastructure, holding it responsible for most of the accidents.Association Chief demanded the Ministry to improve tracks system, rectify signals and replace the inoperative locomotives with the new ones immediately, considering them as the major reasons for train accidents.
"We will stop working immediately in case the authorities refuse to accept our demands," he maintained.Awan further said that the entire infrastructure of Pakistan Railway need to be improved as the largest part of rail tracks have been expired and are dangerous for traveling.He said that besides signals, more than 80 percent locomotives are out of order as they have never been rectified. During travel, they usually stop working and caused creating nuisance for passengers.Instead of improving infrastructure, higher authorities are damaging the department because of their criminal laxity and ill-planning, he said adding that they are responsible of extinction of country’s largest organisation.GM PR Saeed Akhtar said the entire infrastructure is old as no government in past took the issues seriously. He, however, said that present government and administration struggling hard to improve PR infrastructure.


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