Ahmed Saeed Kazmi justifies POL prices

MULTAN,Feb 2nd:Federal Minister for religious affairs AllamaSyed Hamid Saeed Kazmi has said that country's economy was under severe pressure and Government had swallowed a bitter pill by increasing the prices of petroleum products which would naturally affect the prices of all commodities, transportation. Talking to newsme at Multan airport Allama said that Government was already granting subsidy of POL inspit of increasing the prices.He said ,"we had depended upon the financial assistance of friends of Pakistan but they were already facing recession and economic stress. How can they provide aid to Pakistan ? he asked. The Minister said that It is fact that present regime did not provide any relief to the masses but With the blessings of Almighty, people are peaceful and they were not provoking and protesting on the price. He said that our economic condition does not allow us give any relief to the people.What a pity that our capitalists were shifting their wealth abroad ,how can foreign investors bring their wealth in Pakistan he asked. To a question he said that when we would get debts from IMF , world bank and we would have to act upon their conditionalities. He said that we would not get loans from international monetary institutions when our economy would be strengthened. Talking about price hike of sugar in Pakistan, the minister said that sugar was available at Rs.100 in India. The Minister said that Saudi Government had imposed some restrictions on the Hajj operators andSaudi Government would issue visas to such Hajj operators who would be member of IATA


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